Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions not answered below, please click the button below to contact us. You can also download our info packet.
FORGE Hero Image

Q. How long is The Forge Discipleship Program?

The Forge Discipleship Program is a nine-month gap-year program. For more information, download our info packet here or take a look at our program schedule here.

Q. How much does The Forge Discipleship Program cost?

For more details on the program costs, visit our Program Costs page here. The Forge Discipleship Program costs include:

  • Application fee: $25 (non-refundable)

  • Tuition & Books: $1,500 (full-time)

  • Missions Trip: $1,700 (we will help students raise funds)

  • Room & Board: Not included. See question below.

Q. Is Room & Board/Housing provided?

A local church and our Student Life Coordinator will assist in finding appropriate housing in the form of host homes, local apartments, etc.

Q. Is The Forge Discipleship Program accredited?

The Forge Discipleship Program is not a regionally accredited certification. This program is meant to prepare disciples to thrive in a college environment, if they choose to do so.

Q. What happens after completing The Forge Discipleship Program?

Each graduate receives a certificate. For more information, download our information packet. Many students go on to accredited and non-accredited schools to complete their degrees. Others have utilized the mentoring they've received to move into a career or ministry. Most graduates have returned to their home communities equipped to serve their local churches,  serving God in the next season of their lives.

Q. Do most students work while in the program?

Most students maintain a part-time job in order to pay for their room and board at their host home. We recommend that students not work over 16-20 hours a week in order to manage the academic load.

Q. Are monthly payment plans available?

Yes! For more details, see our Program Costs page.

Q. What are the doctrinal or foundational beliefs at The Forge?

For a summary and detailed list of our foundational doctrines, see our Statement of Faith page.

Q. How can a student prepare for joining The Forge?

Many of the assignments require a paper to be written by the student. To prepare, students can familiarize themselves with how to write a college paper and Turabian citation style. Additionally, students can review our Theme Paper Requirements, which is a common requirement for courses.