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Fill out the form to download our informational packet for cost breakdown, faculty bios, course listing, and more!

You'll be directed to a page to download the packet and a copy of the link will be sent to your email.

We'd love to know how you heard about The Forge as well. Please choose the option that best represents the way you FIRST heard about the program.


The Forge Image With Bubbles (2)

Next steps:

  • Call 678.873.7683 for details or schedule with the Program Director, Dr. Colver (below), if desired.

  • Gather contact information for three non-family references and request a Pastor's recommendation.

  • Complete the online application and pay the $25 application fee.

  • Take the online Spiritual Maturity Survey.

“I learned how to defend my faith in a way that matched my passion for it. For the first time in my life I was led to understand the depth and the truth of who God is and, in turn, who I was created to be.”

- Kristyn, 2019 Graduate

Kristyn D.
“I loved my time in the program because it brought me back to the roots of who I am in Christ. It also reinforced godly standards in relationships.”

- Zil, 2019 Graduate

The Forge Circle (3)

According to the Barna Group, roughly 70% of high school students who enter college as professing Christians, will leave with little to no faith.