Our mission at The Forge is to launch students into their God-given purpose. The courses we cover in the nine months will help students discover their purpose for which God created them, provide a worldview they can defend in the next season of their life, and deepen their hunger for the God who calls them.
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Apologetics – This course provides an overview of the apologetical arguments for the defense of the Bible and Christianity, including philosophical arguments, biblical arguments, secular evidence, and so on. The purpose is to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15).

The Christian View – This course provides an overview of several important Bible doctrines in light of the cultural crises today. We will examine the Christian view of God’s nature, man’s nature, the Church and more, and discover how the Christian view challenges other worldviews with God’s truth.

Gospel of John – This course provides an overview of the Gospel of John including its apologetic purpose, important themes and discourses, theology, composition, and structure. Understanding the life of Christ and His teachings are essential for personal faith and for sharing the Kingdom of God with others.

Leadership I – This course focuses on the fundamentals and principles of leadership which provide the basis for developing leadership in both the marketplace and in the Church. We will define and examine leadership—both Christian and secular—and look at leadership in the life of Jesus, Nehemiah, and among current leaders.

Numerous leadership principles and qualities of a leader will also be explored, including the importance of character, power, and organizational culture, as well as delegation, prioritization, team building, engagement and more.

New Testament Survey – Using the video series by N. T Wright, this course provides a foundational but comprehensive overview of the New Testament, including the religious, cultural, and political background of the New Testament, the overall message of each book and several unifying themes.

Romans – This course presents an introduction to Paul’s epistle to the Romans including the overarching purpose and setting of the book. It explains how Paul dealt with present and potential division between Jewish and Gentile Christians at Rome in order to prepare for his planned ministry to Spain. It will show how Paul wanted to bring the groups together in fellowship, to overcome suspicion and racial differences, and worship together.

Spiritual Gifts and DisciplinesSpiritual gifts and disciplines are a necessary part of our Christian life. In this course, we will help you identify your spiritual gifts such as prophecy, teaching and service, as well as encourage you in the spiritual disciplines such as prayer, meditation, fasting, study, solitude and so on.

Theology of Worship I – Combining Biblical truths with practical insight, this course answers the ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of Biblical praise and worship. This class explores the heart of worship, the responsibility of the individual worshiper, biblical praise, and much more.

Trimester 1 Split Classes (Student Choice)

Prophetic Church – This course deals with the call and anointing of the believer to function as a prophetic person in the local church and community. Issues concerning the development of, release, and Biblical requirements for the prophetic anointing will be addressed. Students will learn how to minister with the Holy Spirit and allow His power to flow through them to those who need to hear God's voice.

Worship Technology – This course introduces students to the technology necessary for an effective worship service, including audio, lighting, visual technology, as well as video creation, editing and streaming. Various software and equipment useful in the production of a live worship service will be covered.

Bible Study & Student Teaching – Various methods of Bible study are introduced in this course to prepare the disciple for an exciting lifetime of Bible investigation for personal growth and teaching opportunities. Methods include topical studies, word studies, character studies, geographical studies, and typological studies. Students will be given opportunity to prepare Bible teachings and present to the class.

Cults, World Religions, & Worldviews – Every book in the New Testament except Philemon has something to say about false teachers, false prophets, or doctrinal heresies. Believing a false gospel has terrible, eternal consequences. As Christians, we have to be prepared for the snare of cults and other religions and be able to help others caught in their deceptions. This course provides an overview of the major cults and world religions, and a cursory examination of many others, with an emphasis on comparing them to the core beliefs of Christianity. The course also provides several methods for witnessing to cult members and those of other religions.

The Last Things – This course will look at inaugurated eschatology and how the future is already breaking into the now.

Life Skills – This course offers an overview of practical skills everyone needs to make the most out of life. This includes personal skills, interpersonal and communication skills, financial skills, and employability skills. Examples include everything from changing a flat tire to successfully handling an interview for a job.

Old Testament Survey – This course provides an overview and general study of the books of the Old Testament. Questions of authorship, audience, themes, and outlines are addressed. This course also presents how the books of the Old Testament are integrated into the whole context of the Bible.

Song Writing – Lyric writing provides a creative means to express our worship and to lead others into the presence of God through the words of our songs. In this course, we will show you the fundamentals of lyric writing and guide you in writing songs of the Lord.

Theology of Worship II – This is a continuation of Theology of Worship I.

World Missions – We will introduce the student to the importance of outreach to third-world peoples and the impact of missions and missionaries on spreading the gospel.

Trimester 2 Split Classes (Student Choice)

Presence-Based Church – God reveals himself in many ways, including his immanent presence. And there is nothing more precious and impactful than experiencing God’s presence. This course explores the ways in which we can invite and experience God’s presence in the local church, how to release the Holy Spirit and keep the moves of God decently and in order.

Flowing in the River – Taught by world-renowned worship leader, Catherine Mullins Robbins, this course will help students develop sensitivity to the moving of the Holy Spirit during the worship portion of the service. Topics such as discerning God’s voice, understanding the boundaries of the flow of the Spirit, using the gifts of the spirit to encourage and edify the Body, and moving in tandem with others, and more will be discussed.

Bible Covenants – This course examines each of the seven major Bible covenants between God and humankind: Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Sinaitic, Davidic, and New to understand how God relates to His covenant people. The course also defines and explains covenant relationships, including covenant commitment and covenant breaking.

Heroes & Heretics In The Early Church - Church history comes alive as students explore major doctrines developed such as the Humanity & Diety Of Christ and their antagonists who oppose the doctrines. We will also review the Gifts of the Spirit in the Early Church.

Interpreting the Bible – Hermeneutics is designed to equip the disciple with basic principles for the science and art of Bible interpretation. Emphasis is placed upon the understanding of how the rules of interpretation affect the actual exegesis of Scripture. Numerous practical examples will be examined in each lesson.

The Kingdom of Heaven – This course will define the Kingdom of Heaven, its inauguration and how is it breaking into this world. This course will also look at the current ministry of Christ in heaven and how we participate in it, what is the Divine Court is and how we petition heaven.

Leadership IIThis course is a continuation of Leadership I.

Missions Prep – Through interaction with missionaries at Operation Mobilization, through group discussions with The Forge team, as well as developing skills for missions “storying,” we will learn about missions and prepare for our short-term mission trip.

Theology of Worship III – This is a continuation of Theology of Worship II.

Revivals – This course will examine the history of revivals, the principles that bring about revivals and sustain revivals, as well as the benefits and problems of revivals.

Beginning Voice – This course is for beginners in vocal art. It covers all basics of singing, such as body awareness, correct breathing and technique, rhythm, stage presentation as well as working with a worship team. It is meant to prepare the student for further development in vocal skills.

Note: Program disciples are required to attend daily worship and prayer as well as Tuesday Mountain Mover Prayer meeting. Mountain Movers is a corporate prayer gathering based on John 5:19-20. This weekly prayer meeting is prophetic—we hear from God and pray about what He is saying.

The Forge Is Right For You If...

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You are not sure where God is calling you and you want to explore your options before entering college.

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You plan on attending college or trade school, but feel under-equipped to engage peers and professors who are antagonistic to the Christian faith.

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You are inclined or gifted in music and/or technology and want mentors to help you cultivate these gifts.

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You want to be challenged to grow in your faith and in your walk with God in community with other students.

What Graduates Are Saying

I love the way that almost everything I did in the program has carried over into my life now. It showed me how much I needed a community as well as gave me the knowledge and space to grow deeper in my relationship with God—to the point where I continue to desire more of Him, even on the hard days. I 100% recommend the program as it was truly a life-changing year!

- Alexia, 2021 Graduate

I learned how to defend my faith in a way that matched my passion for it. For the first time in my life I was led to understand the depth and the truth of who God is and, in turn, who I was created to be.

- Kristyn, 2019 Graduate

It was a year that helped shape and prepare me for life. Taking that time to focus on God and ground myself in His word was the best thing I could have done then!

- Zach, 2018 Graduate

I loved my time in the program because it brought me back to the roots of who I am in Christ. It also reinforced godly standards in relationships.

- Zil, 2020 Graduate

© The Forge Discipleship Program by Coweta Community Church in Newnan, GA